How Often Should You Wash?
By: Lindsay Thompson

Have you ever really thought about how often you should be washing your car? The importance of regular washes is often overlooked although it is extremely important to prevent contaminants from damaging your vehicle. Dirt, pollen, bugs, sap, and other pollutants can adhere to your vehicle if left untouched for too long leading to damage to your paint and finish.
It is recommended that you should wash your vehicle once a week to prevent such damage from occurring. But that timing could vary due to some additional factors:
Here in West Texas, dust storms aren’t such a rare occurrence (especially not in the spring!). Are you outside of the city or do you commute to places where you often have bugs on your vehicle? Are you near construction sites that add additional dirt? In a neighborhood with lots of birds and their droppings?
Where does your vehicle spend the most time? Do you have a garage at your home? Covered parking at work? Under trees?
This will obviously change seasonally but is your car frequently exposed to heavy wind, snow, rain, or sun?
Drive Frequency
The more you drive your car, the more elements it is exposed to.
While there are many variants as to how often you should wash, there are still a few scenarios that should motivate you to wash your car as soon as possible:
Bird Droppings
Bird poop on your vehicle can dry up and harden, especially during hot and sunny months. The longer it remains on your vehicle, the greater the possibility of damage to the paint.
Tree Sap
This can eat through your paint’s finish which could further lead to staining or discoloration.
Fresh Bugs
Bug splatters can damage your vehicle by bonding to the paint or finish. If left to harden too long, it could chip the paint when removing them.
Rain/Acid Rain
With excessive rain, the moisture can trap contaminants on the exterior leading to rust. Also, if you live in an area with excessive pollution, the “acid rain” can cause even more damage.
How can you fight grime?
Regular car washes are the best way to protect your vehicle from environmental threats and the varying degrees of damage they could potentially create. Here at Mighty Wash, we do offer a variety of monthly wash packages to meet your needs as well as our Grime Fighter loyalty program to help offset some of the cost and earn free washes. Stop into a location near you to discuss options and get signed up!